Meet Neffie

Neffie Rae lives in Utah with the love of her life and soulmate. Together they have three beautiful kids and one fur baby. Neffie has a deeply rooted love of reading and telling stories. She’s always been one to be making up stories from all sources of inspiration. She wrote her first short story at nine and hasn’t been able to give it up.

Outside of reading, she’s a bit of a hermit and has a great love of nature and animals of all kinds. Stick her in a small cabin in the mountains by the water, and she’s in heaven. Music has always been a mistress in her life. Give her a soulful tune, and she’ll spin you a story of love, passion or heartache.

An Instalove Second Chance with heat, grit and a secret.

A Romantic Suspense with Russian Mafia, an military with a few kick-ass Heroines! 

Enduring The Storms Duet

A Contemporary Military Forced Proximity Bodyguard Romantic Suspence

A Contemporary Military Second Chance Bodyguard Romantic Suspence

Enduring The Storms Duet 2


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